Local Activities

Of course Cedar Point,  Sports Force, & Kalahari to name a few spots.  However, downtown Sandusky is home to many great restaurants too.

Lake Erie & The Islands.  Sandusky is home to some of the best boating anywhere. Put In Bay is possibly the craziest place in the country. If you want a more toned down version, head to Kelly's Island. Then there's also Middle Bass Island, a quiet island next to Put In Bay accessed via the "Sonny S"  ferry.

Kellys Island is  only a 9 mile run and about 19 miles to Put In Bay. No boat? No problem.  There are several ferry services and can whisk you over to all of the islands. 

Ferry Services:  The Jet Express runs mostly on the hour from downtown Sandusky. There is also the Miller Ferry running from Cawtawba and the Marblehead or Kellys Island Ferry.

Beaches:  If you have a boat the point across the bay to the west of Cedar Point is beach central on any given weekend. Cedar Point Beach is awesome too if you stay at the park. Nickel Plate Beach is a great spot in Huron, about 7 miles east of Sandksy, a quick drive.

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Stuff to do in Sandusky

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